
YONDBEE SOCIAL EFFECTS, S.L. makes available to any person interested in communicating a possible incident, in accordance with the provisions of the document POLICY AND MANAGEMENT OF THE INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL OF YONDBEE SOCIAL EFFECTS, S.L., access to the company’s Communications Channel.
The issuance of this document will be attended by the Channel Manager, who will ensure the proper compliance with each procedure under Law 2/2.023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory violations and the fight against corruption.

Once the communication has been made, the informant can check its status by sending an email to the following address:
To expand the information communicated anonymously, it will be necessary to provide the identifier number given when the first communication was made. In that case, the informant can expand the provided information by making a new communication, mentioning the identifier number of the communication whose information they want to expand in the “Subject” field.
You can consult the Policy of the internal communications channel”